Tips for taking remarkable nature photographs

Catching natures’ beautiful vibrant colors is every Nature Photographer’s dream. Taking breathtakingly beautiful pictures is never easy. It requires a certain skill set and approach. You need to consider distance, light, snow, wind, etcetera. The task becomes extremely difficult when taking photos of animals in their habitat. You need to be prepared to face certain dangers, harsh climatic conditions, noise, and odors. Taking nature photographs is physically and mentally demanding but the reward is worth it.

  If you want remarkable nature photographs, then first it is necessary to understand the nature of nature because if you force yourself you won’t achieve the desired result. All the beautiful constituents of nature like bushes, grassland, vegetation, trees, etc act distinctively in varied climatic conditions, so it is necessary for a photographer to rightly study climatic conditions.

Next vital tip – look constantly for something unique. It is quite evident when you are going out with the camera. You know what you want to catch in frames, but still you should keep an eye on what’s around you because sometimes something unique may come up and if you are on your toes then you can capture that in frames. I had a similar experience once when I was trailing the footprint of a leopard for hours. The hot and humid weather made this chase pretty tough. I was moving cautiously, and suddenly I heard the churning sound of leaves, I quickly took a shelter behind the trees and started looking through the lens. I was excited, for a while I thought it was my subject but what I saw was unbelievable, a red wolf holding on to a rabbit. I wasted no time to capture that magic moment. The zoom helped me to get closer to the subject. I snapped pictures quickly, knowing it was going to last only a few seconds, so I wanted to make the most of it. Although I was not able to capture my intended subject, this was a prized image.  The images of the endangered wolf were amazing. It was published in one of the leading wildlife magazines.
Another essential thing is equipment. It is vital to carry out additional accessories like extra batteries, memory cards and different lenses. Remember, the camera and related accessories are your partners in every phototropic expedition you undertake. The better you know about them, the better results you will get.  Go through the instruction manual to get yourself familiarized with the features. Take numerous photos using every possible angle and setting, it will make you proficient with the camera.

The most essential element of natural photography is patience because natural events happen unexpectedly. Don’t rush the shot. If you’re subject is far then wait for it to walk in your direction, when it is near, then don’t rush as the slightest movement can distract it, causing it to leave the place or attack- feeling threatened.  Endurance is an essential characteristic of a good nature photographer. Be ready with the camera, wait for the moment, and don’t worry if the wait turns out to be longer, a perfect nature photograph is worth the wait.

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7 Ways for Musicians for Making Money without giving up the Creative Freedom

Due to falling album sales, piracy and less revenue generated from the digital download of music, artist are facing the question, How can I make money by selling music? Well, if there are hardly any sales then you will find it extremely difficult making a living with this art. Now you must be wondering how musicians are making money nowadays because it is not like that every musician is not earning. Licensing and live shows are one of the most effective ways of generating money, but are there different means to earn money in the industry today. Let us go through some unique way of making money in this write up.
Live online Shows:
Moving with technology always pays and today is the world of Internet. You can use the power of the web to organize an online streaming concert. Audience can see you perform live from the comfort of home. It comes up as a great way for increasing the fan base; you can easily reach out to people breaking the geographical barriers of the country and region. There are numerous sites that offer this facility.
Join Hands with YouTube:
Lately, YouTube has emerged as the most popular medium for sharing music. You partner with them as they allow generating revenue by placing advertisements.
Music for Web Shows:
At the moment, web shows are on a boom. These shows on a constant basis need original tracks for episodes and introductions. Contacting them is an excellent option as they find it difficult to pay large licensing charge for mainstream music. This way your music will get a larger audience. You can start the search by getting in touch with popular web shows on Vimeo and YouTube. Inquire if they are looking for original tracks for upcoming episodes. Don’t forget to include the web link in correspondence, so they listen to the sample music you have created.
Compose for Theatre Shows:
Theatre production houses are constantly in the lookout for talented music composers. It can offer you awesome revenue if are able to make it out in a new play, although it is tough but is a lucrative option to make money. It is beneficial to do web networking, this way you would be in touch with other musicians.  You can contact theaters in your vicinity or tap the web artist in your network, sometimes they know about the requirement of play and production houses.
Be a freelance sound engineer
Become a freelance sound Engineer: If you are proficient in your musical skills then you can put it for fair use. Some of companies that have just started off in the field of music and less experienced musicians want someone to monitor the sound in production.
Pre-sell upcoming album:
Pre-selling upcoming album can help you make money for making high quality product. It will help in the inflow of cash for new projects and will generate enough curiosity among the fans for the upcoming album.
Rent your studio
If you own a studio, then you can rent it to artist looking for quality production, who cannot afford larger studios. This is an intelligent way of making money as well as helping the fellow musicians.

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Tips to get started with Photography Blog

There is no doubt that photography is one of the most sought after forms of art—it touches people’s lives in many different ways. Photographs can appear in a magazine, newspaper, or may be published in photographic journals or competitions. Some snaps are really spectacular, and can really affect an onlooker. The photo might make them cry, or might show them a side of life that they were missing. Some are inspiring, while others are thoughtful, and some portray the realities of life in such a powerful way that a mere look at them is enough to transform a life.

Have you thought about what goes through the mind of the photographer when he looks through the eyes of his lens? Fortunately, more and more photographers are creating blogs, expressing their sentiments through the written word. If you are a photographer, and this is something that interests you, then you should consider reading the following:

Firstly, if you want to be good at photography blogging, you should understand that a blog is entirely different from the traditional medium of communication (like books, essays and reports). Look at it as a form of communication that you have with your family, friends and clients. A conversation is always simple and friendly—it is an exchange of ideas and thoughts, similar to blogging. Let it be an honest and real conversation, whether it is about you or the business—this will help you to immediately strike a rapport with your audience.

Some important tips to get you started in the world of professional photography blogging.

  • Use very simple words. Some people use difficult words, thinking that the use of heavy vocabulary will impress the reader, but nobody likes to have to reach for a dictionary when reading, so just make it simple as you can.
  • Keep an  “I” or “you” attitude, depending on the subject you are writing.  “I” is preferable if you are sharing experience and “you” will make the reader feel as you are talking to him/her.
  • It’s a photography blog, so use the photograph first, and then follow with the text in order to make a positive impact.
  • Provide a suitable caption.
  • Don’t use the blog as a marketing tool—even if it ends up working out that way.
  • Ask readers questions within the write up, and encourage them to come up with their own response in the comment section.

Following these simple tips will allow you to further strengthen your bond with your readers, as you will be providing them with the opportunity to experience the real story behind the picture.

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Music News – Role of Music in our lives

Music is the most beautiful gift endowed upon us by God. Since, Ancient time music has always attracted mankind and has had very soothing impact. Be it the chirping of the birds or the rippling sound of the waterfalls, the clattering of the rocks; music has always fascinated us. It has always had energizing, soothing, motivating and calming effects.

Archaeologists have discovered historical evidences that suggest that music has been a part of our life since ancient ages. There are paintings in caves that indicate that there were music conferences in caves. A rock painting was discovered in the famous cave, Les Trois-Freres, in Ariege, France. This painting is about 15000 years old. It is a painting of a mysterious creature that is partly human and partly bison. This creature appears to be playing music, singing, clapping along with other animals. The musical instrument he is playing is somewhat similar to the musical bow that is still used by the Bushman (Southern African San). Many scholars have described the painting as a man dressed in animal hide, trying to cast an enticing effect on the animals during music-based religious ritual.

With each age, music has transformed it forms but still remains as an inseparable part of our lives. Each generation has transformed music, created new genres, remixed and revived it. It is used to express our moods, feelings and emotions. It is a common language across the globe and is not limited by national boundaries.

Some people seek music as a refuge to escape their worldly problems others make music the goal of their lives. These people dedicate the entire lives to create music and contribute to its development. Music can also give meaning to lives. Many a times music concerts are organized to fight social issues such as child abuse, hunger, poverty, war, global warming, etc. During the 70’s music was used as a weapon, to elucidate the futility and violence of the Vietnam War. This movement came to be known as the hippie movement.

Music plays an important role in the education sector, as well. Educational institutions use music to shape the personality of children, adolescents and adults. It is used for promoting equality and team-building activities. It is also used to create awareness about social issues. It also helps in overcoming fears and building confidence.

Just like a scent, music often reminds us of memories. Many a times when we listen to an old song, it may remind us of the time when we first heard. It ushers an entire world of memories upon us. Every day, new songs and music tracks, are created across the world. They charm the people of all ages irrespective of their generation gap. We can access music news to know about the latest music trends. We can become aware of the various developments in both conventional and unconventional fields of music.

Music news can inform us about the popularity of various soundtracks and music albums. This can be very helpful when we want to purchase new albums.

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Music Makes Life Beautiful

Music is there in our every facet of life; in the chirping of birds, the cool wind blowing at the sea shore, advertisement, songs, it is almost  everywhere in different forms. Melody tunes and jingle are used in advertisement to convey the ideas, and in songs they beautifully express the feeling. It is the backbone of the entertainment industry. It works like the pleasant aroma of coffee, brings colorful memory to mind. The fascinating aspect of music is that it helps to relieve tension and bring a feeling of relaxation and easing to the body and mind.

When it comes to music, each person has their own specific opinion. There are numerous kinds of music – pop, rock, rap, classical, indie, and instrumental are some of the popular forms. The message conveyed can be either negative or positive and has a big impact on way the individual’s act.  It is seen that people with the same taste of music quickly become friends.

It is helpful in reducing stress and aids in coming out of depression. Soothing music is widely used in mediation as it calms the mind. Learning music whether it is singing or playing an instrument can boost up the confidence. You can tell a lot about a person from the kind of music he listens, so the music you listen, plays a big role in your personality.

Classical Music

Studies show classical music leaves a very positive effect on the human being particularly kids. Parents know how lullaby soothe a crying baby. Babies who were made to listen classical music while still in mother’s womb were seen to be calmer at birth and when they grow up they are brighter and smarter.
Rap & Rock Music

They are two very different kind of popular music; having their own loyal followers.  The inspiration for the lyrics rapped, or sung comes from the artists own lives. People having the same experience easily relate to it and get connected. A lot of parents don’t encourage their kids to listen rap and hard rock as the lyrics generally revolve around drug and sex and they don’t want kids to get involved.  People supporting this music justifies that it simply focuses on creating rhymes then conveying overt messages.

Christian Rock

Christian Rock Music has a very positive effect on the listeners. They strongly believe in God that is reflected in lyrics. The band is appraised for promoting good values in teens.
Listening music should be developed as a hobby. The access to it has become easy due to I-pods and Mp3 players; you can plug the device into the ear and enjoy your favorite song while doing any work. If you find difficult to get your choice of music then Internet is the savior; search, there are thousands of free music sites where you can listen or download compositions.

The words and sounds you listen of different singers, artist, or band have contrasting opinions and notions. It is not wrong to say that they serve as a catalyst for new thoughts and ideas. You also learn diverse things going around the world because you are exposed to music artist from different parts. I personally relate with the effect music has on listeners and users because it is an essential part of my life.

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Tips for taking Great Nature Photographs by Ian Iott

Catching nature in its true color is an art. A great nature photograph with details to colors, light, angle and intricacies to the subject will leave the viewer spellbound. What is the secret of taking great nature pictures?  Here, are some useful tips for people who have started their journey on the beautiful route of nature photography.

Learn about light:

Always look for an interesting blend of colors, texture, light and shadow. The light varies considerably throughout the day and has a huge effect on the pictures taken. Like in dawn (pre sunrise) light is somewhat bluish in color with no shadows. This time seems popular for photographs published in auto magazines. If you are looking for warm yellow then morning is the right time, sun radiates neutral colored light, it’s the ideal time to take snaps of landscapes and the visibility is good. Late evening will give a combination of warm red and orange colors; the light is just there for some time, you need to be fully prepared to take advantage of the available opportunity. In landscape photography knowledge about the light is the most important skill you need to develop.

Try new perspectives

Get near to the flower, leafs or tree, stop just few inches away, have a look at it from a different viewpoint, take snaps from every possible way. At times, snaps taken from the wrong side, or a very different view, turnout to be a masterpiece. Incline on shutter speed if you are taking pictures of anything in motion, whether it is flying bird, or running tiger. When capturing landscape give depth to the pictures by including close and distinct objects in the frame according to the layout. A slight hand moment will blur the quality of image, stick to tripod it will help you to capture even the minute details.   Every time don’t make the main subject the focal point; try to place it right, left or third of the frame.

Get close to the subject

Get close to object, let it fill up the frame. It is somewhat easy to take snap when the subject is close.  Many nature photographers are amazed by what they see in a closely taken wildlife photograph. It is important to have high quality telephoto equipment, your focus would be solely on the subject, but the camera will capture everything surrounding it. Proximity lets you view things that you never imagined.  For professional wildlife pictures get 500 mm or 600 mm telephoto lens.

Another trick is to hide and wait for wildlife to come in proximity; this requires tremendous patience. When going for this, remember wellbeing of the animal should be the priority.

Use Memory Cards

Take numerous pictures of the same subject using different position and exposures.  Nowadays memory cards are used in the camera, they are better than rolls, you can store thousands of high quality photographs; see them at the same time, transfer to other media and if you don’t like, you can delete them.  Find out how much Giga Byte memory card your camera supports.

Practice with the camera, so much that it becomes your second nature and always enjoy what you are seeing through your lens. To take great nature photograph add imagination and creativity, it will give a genuine personal touch to the entire theme.

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ian iott photography

ian iott photography

Ian Iott Photographer,musician and artist

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